Wednesday, January 23, 2019

2018.12.2 Meditation

2018.12.2     Meditation and Prayer

Creative Spirit of Life, God whose energy is Love:
Some come today expectant, optimistic, closer to another new year,
Ready to welcome the season’s growing light,
Excited for something new coming into our lives.
Some come today quiet, wondering, perhaps a little bit of fear residing in our hearts.
The longest night of the year is still ahead of us,
Like the Maccabees with their tiny bit of oil, some are wondering if the small bit of energy we have will be enough to get us through. 
Let us simply come down and settle, look for and see the miracle of the everyday.
Help us to lay down the expectations that don’t matter in the long run,
The expectation to buy,
The expectation to consume,
The expectation to be joyful without exception,
The expectation to have perfect family time,
Let us lay down all those expectations that burden us.
Help us to embrace this time of darkness as beautiful, as necessary as the light. Help us to embrace waiting with expectation for what truly matters
The expectation for another season of growth and change on this earth and in our lives
The expectation for the birth of new life,
The expectation that each one of us born may yet become one who helps the light last, who helps to create a more loving and just world,
Let us take on all those expectations that bring us to more abundant life.
May it be so, Amen.

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